Strategic Research Funds

The Government of the Republic of Zambia (GRZ) through the Ministry of Technology and Science (MoTS), administers the Strategic Research Fund (SRF). The Fund is implemented by the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC). The SRF was established to support basic and applied scientific Research and Development (R&D) in identified strategic national priority areas. The Fund is further aimed at enhancing research capacity in Zambia.
The overall indicative amount made available under this call is Eight Hundred Thousand Kwacha only (ZMW800,000.00) per proposal, for the duration of the project, which is up to 3 years.
The Call is open to researchers in public and private R&D institutions and Higher Learning Institutions, that are registered with NSTC in the funding cycle. Individual researchers that are not affiliated to institutions will be required to be affiliated to an NSTC-registered institution. Applications from institutions not registered with NSTC will not be considered.

Science, Technology and Innovation Youth Fund

The Government of the Republic of Zambia (GRZ) through the Ministry of Technology and Science (MoTS) administers the Science and Technology Innovation Youth Fund (STIYF). The Fund is implemented by the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC). The Fund is aimed at assisting Zambian youths to develop scientific and/or technological innovations, with specific focus on innovations that are relevant to the creation of wealth and employment.


Applicants must be Zambians, resident in Zambia, aged 35 years or below. Applicants are eligible as individuals or as groups or organisations.

Females and differently abled youths are strongly encouraged to apply.


The funding per approved project shall not exceed Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Kwacha (ZMW250,000.00) for the period of the project.